Ok this is my problem. Me and my friends go out and stuff, we see some girls but no one goes to talk to them. I know myself that i can get em and probably hook up with them because im a really good looking guy and im funny, but its just no one has balls to do it. I want to start going up to girls and stuff and having more girl ';friends'; . I know i can do it, but i dont know why i dont. Is it also the same way with girls? also is it true that its hard for girls to go up to some guys that are also good looking to them?I need some advice on girls....and dating maybe.?
If you know you can do it.... Then I guess you have nothing to be afraid of.....
Listen honey, you sound like you have alot of confidence.. After all you aren't wanting a serious relationship with any of them... You just want more girl ';friends';
So I suggest that you just go with your impulses, and walk over to those girls and be like, hey how you guys doin, and be really confident and show that funny side that you say you have...
Trust me, they will like you, especially if you just really easy going and with an attitude like nothing in the world bothers you.
They will love you, I know I would......I need some advice on girls....and dating maybe.?
to be honest yes it is... It really it is..As your guy friends react and act wierdly when a chick comes up to you and chat.. It feels awkward. Thats why its best for a guy to come with guy friends.. As it's sweet. I mean girls loves all the attention. So dunno make eye contact and later on say hey!! Whats your name have been checking you out or any compliment... be small talk and leave...Gotta go check ya later... Then maybe you can find out where you get there numbers... Just go with the flow...
if you were really good looking you would have no problem going up to girls cause the main reason why men dont go up to women is couse they dont think they are good enough for the woman and they dont ever try u should jus go be a *** or whateevr be dumb jus be yourself if theylike you they will not shut you out and most of the time they will talk to you jus as long as you dont approach them in a rude or demeaning way you should get atleast a number i had a similar problem i was scared basically but i jus said what the hell and i never got turned down till this day if u have self confidence they will all say yes
stop being a wuss. what kind of a loser canno go up to a girl and say. hi, hows it going my name is bob how are you tonight. the worst that happens is she says take an fing hike and you just move to the next chick you think is hot. Also dont be so arrogant, women prefer someone who is out going but humble and funny. My wife shot me down 4 times before she said she would go out with me for our first date and now we have been married for 4 years. I got shot down 75% of the time but that means that 1 out of 4 girls would hang out with me. Show up your friends and be the out going guy who the rest of your friends wish they could be.
cmon... talk to the girls...
maybe your friends are holding you back? cos they dont do anything either? so maybe you should go at it alone.
but yer just go for it man, they shouldnt bite, if they do you can always bite back lol
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