I'm stuck between two girls... help?
There's one girl I really like alot. I've been seeing her for a month now. We're not officially in a relationship, though she says she's starting to like me. We've been dating a lot and getting to know each other, because as per her request, she's inexperienced and she wants to take it slow.
I met another girl around the same time and we've started hanging out as friends but lately things have gotten more intimate between us. She definitely likes me, she told her friends to tell me. I like her, but not as much as the first girl, who I'd do anything for.
The first girl likes me but is so nervous about herself and relationships that she constantly disrupts the natural way things develop by saying stuff like ';I've never been this way before, I want to take things slow, I want to get to know you, I don't want to jump into anything, etc.';
Lately, the first girl has been waning on me and I've been enjoying time with the second girl more. I want to tell Girl A that I like her like none other and if she does to, to let things develop naturally instead of putting time frames and stepping back to ask if you are doing good enough! It's cute that she's shy about this stuff, but after a while it gets tedious, she acts like she wants me every day, but keeps stepping back because she's afraid of messing up.
I hope you guys get what I'm saying and can help me.
Would you take girl A or girl B? And what would you say to her in my situation? Thanks.Stuck dating two girls, need advice badly!?
Ok, here's what I think. I think Girl A is not mature enough to be in a relationship with you or anyone else. Relationships should be fun, natural, a great addition to your life-- not 'tedious.'
It's not like you can have a talk with her about this and she'll just change. She's not ready to work through some insecurities and let things develop naturally.
I'd break it off with her if I were you and continue to see this other girl as a friend and if something develops, it does. If it doesn't, it doesn't. But if you stay with Girl A, you're in for a long hard road.Stuck dating two girls, need advice badly!?
go for A, if u like her more then she has to be worth it, right? an if she's not then u don't really like her.
an just make sure u don't lead B on, cos thats just mean. maybe explain that theres someone u really like to her? an that it can't go beyond friends with u to.
have u kissed either of them?
Tell girl A that she needs to let go and if she keeps pulling back it will mess things up with you and her, It will probably get her to come around. Tell her like it is! Girl B just sounds like a person you can hang out with. You can always find someone to hang out with!
dude ,that,s part of playing the field personnaly , i would take A theres alot to take and teach and well you can benefite from it in the long run , if you know what i mean
Ahh, oh my god, you like Girl A more, obviously take her. And tell her those things you want to tell her. You said you'd do anything for her. So bear with her, be patient with her, be understanding. Until (unless) you stop feeling like it's worth the effort.
In my opinion you should take girl A, date the girl you like more, girl A will get over her shyness sooner or later, give it time. Don't date girl B because your Always going to like girl A more and its not fair for girl B.
now please answer mine:
damn which girl is A and which girl is B? id hate to give u wrong advice.
turn this question on them but make it boy A and boy B and you can pretend to be boy C just so they dont catch on to ur trick then surprise them when u say ';april fool im AB and u win me';. manage au trois
Mate why not make life really interesting by adding a another women in the pot and if ya real good even a fourth one then you wouldn't really care what you said to women ';A'; or women ';B'; almost like an algebra problem but its real life and real people ya dealing with
Talk to girl A. Tell her how you feel and see how she responds if she doesn't come around either go for girl b or drop them both and move on.
this is kinda bad...... but i'd say go with the one who makes you most
happy, make a desision quick b4 they find out and u loose them both.
dont hurt them badly just break it off..... good luck.
Talk to girl A and tell her how you feel. And pending on how she takes it make your decision off that.
stop reposting your shitty question!
How old are you and how old are the two girls.
This would have some bearing on an answer.
date the girl that you truly have feelings for.
I'd say, just be happy with what you got!
If a girl has never been in a relationship before, it is a nerve racking thing to experience. Girl A will figure it out eventually. If not, just let her know how you feel about her behaviors so she does not do the same behaviors with every guy she becomes involved with. Help her figure out how to be in a relationship so it is fair to her and any other future boyfriends.
But do be careful, this is tricky, and if one girl figures out about the other, both could be repelled from you...
Good luck!
Dude, if you break up with girl A for girl B you're just going to mess her up even more. If you date girl B just because you got antsy and she finds out later- well, she's not going to be happy about being your second pick. Also, you may always have that ';what if'; question in the back of your head because you said it yourself, you liked irl A better.
Sometimes patients rewards.
Just be upfront to girl B. Tell her that you thought you had no chance with a girl you've been keeping an eye on for a while and tried to move on... but now the girl is giving you a chance and you want to stay in this relationship and yet you also want to go with the uncompleted relationship as well... but think that would be unfair for her (girl B) to stay around just because you like her when you like someone else as well. So you want to take your chances with girl A simply to fix the mess that was already made in the past. That way in the future if it doesn't work out you'll have no regrets about ';what if';.
Its clear that you like the 1st one so just tell her how you feel about her and say this too (or something like it):
I want to be closer to you but you keep pushing me away and its kind of making me feel like you dont feel the same way or dont plan on getting closer with me.. I wouldnt do anything to hurt you. What is it that you are the most affraid of?
Then try to work things out.. Im sure it will.. Good luck
I'd say go for girl A since you like her so much. Bein in a relationship takes work. When you guys grow together, your appreciation and love for each other will grow into an unbreakable bond. The more you and girl A talk to each other and get to know each other by spending time together, the more comfortable she will be around you. But she can't get your FULL attention if your out hanging with girl B (someone you don't really like as much)
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