Thursday, July 29, 2010


been dating this older guy a while.he is always texting me to see me. i stopped him going partying with younger guys, he has a failed marriage and a daughter from it. he believes some woman are nasty.but we do have a connection.his friends tell me he is infatuated with me and talks about me all the time, but he denies it. he won't let me sit in the room with his mates and always gauges my reaction if one of them walks in..then he will go and read some ladies mag in front of me. also the closer we get i notice he will distance himself for a few days. what does this mean??Dating
this might sound harsh but maybe he's just tired of you? i cant really say but that's just a MAYBE. you should talk to him about it. and if he acts funny about it or resentful like he doesnt want to talk then maybe you should let him go =/

good luck!

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