Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I need advice for my dating situation (adults please)?

I have been seeing this guy for a couple weeks, and we are having sex.

And as of recently I have reason to believe he is seeing and sleeping with another woman.

(I will spare you the details of this so it isn't too long, but it is a new discovery I unintentionally found out).

I haven't spoken to him about it yet, because I am really unsure how to go about this.

I mean, we are not in an exclusive relationship, we are just dating, so I don't want to seem too 'needy' by expressing my concern, but at the same time... I don't know that I share well... especially if he's having sex with another person.

In fact, I am not sure if he is or is not doing anything wrong (meaning I dont know if dating more than one woman at a time is wrong or not), but I do know that I don't share well.

Any ideas how to go about this conversation? Am I being wronged? Any advice (in general) would be good.I need advice for my dating situation (adults please)?
hello....adult here...:)

well anytime you are sleeping with someone you have the right to ask if they are currently sleeping with anyone else. So i would approach that subject asap. Don't accuse him of anything...just see how he reacts to the question. he guilty ones normally get defensive very quickly. In my experience, when ever i felt a bit of uneasiness over something like this my gut was normally right. If you can't get rid of that feeling or get conformation from him...i would say walk away.I need advice for my dating situation (adults please)?
If your gut tells you something is wrong then 99% of the time it is the truth, you better leave him now before it gets worse.
I'm a bit older and I think a bit conservitive, so you may not like my advice, but I like to think it is pretty sound.

1) You can't start sleeping with someone after just such a sort time. I mean you can, but there are harsh names for people like that. Take your time, earn the other person's respect and let them earn yours. One day you'll want to settle down and do you really want to have been ';around the block'; that many times?

2) If you start out a relationship that fast you set certain expectations. Meaning...you really lower the bar pretty far. If you take it to that level that fast, where can you take the relationship from there? Now, after you've given yourself to this guy is when you're going to start to really get to know each other? You're going about your relationships backwards and hence are experiencing problems. This would not have happend had you waited, taken it slow, and gotten to know him.

Let me give you an example from my own life: I met my wife when I was 25. She was still living at home and respecting her family's rules about getting home on time (no spending the night out). We took things very slow. We didn't kiss for 3 months (yes, you read that right), and didn't take it to the next level until we were engaged. Now, this may seem too slow for you, but let me tell you what that said about her: If she set her standards this high, I know I was not getting a used and worn out girl for a wife. I knew that she respected herself and valued a quality relationship. Ask yourself how you want your mate to see you, and act accordingly.

Chalk your situation up to a mistake and learning experience and just move forward. On the other hand, if you just want to sleep around and don't mind, hey, do your thing. To each his own.

Best of luck.

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