Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dating advice (girls only)?

i have been seeing a girl for a while and we always seem to do something that i enjoy when we go out. I would appreciate anyones ideas on something that we cud do together dat she will enjoyDating advice (girls only)?
Maybe she likes the same things as you and is happy to do stuff which you enjoy. You're a very lucky bloke.Dating advice (girls only)?
Amusement part will be fun, you can also take her to the zoo, rollerskating would be fun. You should find out what she is into.
You shouldn't be asking us, you should find out her interests and then take iniative to set something up!

Simple solution!
well you should know wat she likes and suprise her
Not all girls are the same. I'm an outdoorsy person, but she might not be. Know what I mean?

But here's an idea for you anyway. the next time you two are playing around, jokingly ask her what her dream date would be. Then make her dreams come true.

Then when you're on the date, talk about your intrests...that should spawn more ideas.
Take her to an aumusemnet park she shouold enjoy that a lot . Have fun ! and Good Luck !

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